Inkjet Inks – Materials & Applications
(Inks & Materials for Digital Applications)
September 6, 2019
Embassy Suites Chicago – Lombard/Oak Brook, Illinois, USA

Course Focus
Building on the back of the success of wide format graphics applications, industrial inkjet printing has penetrated many market areas by utilizing a wide range of different ink chemistry approaches.
IMI’s Inkjet Inks – Materials and Applications Course provides an insightful overview of the different ink platform technologies in use today, with an emphasis on practical aspects of materials selection and optimization for the low viscosity requirement of inkjet printing. Looking from the applications viewpoint, potential ink solutions are compared and contrasted. Key issues surrounding the integration of inkjet ink technologies into industrial printing within a production environment are also considered.
Led by Dr. Mark Bale, founder of DoDxAct, the Inkjet Inks – Materials and Applications Course is aimed at developers wishing to adopt inkjet technology in their industrial production processes, or those who are already skilled in one area and are looking to understand the wider potential of inkjet chemistries available.
This course is being held immediately following IMI's Inkjet Age of Materials Conference 2019 on September 6, 2019.
Inkjet Inks – Materials and Applications Course Outline
Course Outline
Friday, September 6, 2019
8:00 a.m. Registration
8:30 a.m. Course Session Begins
Introduction & course overview
Evolution of inkjet
Sustainability & the drive back to water
The modern process: Inkjet as an enabling technology
Market considerations
Basic ink chemistry comparison: What’s inside & printhead influence
Making sure it’s right: Checking the basic properties
Inkjet ink types & materials choices
Radiation curable
The ubiquitous all-rounder
Focus on free radical UV
Function takes over from simple colors
From hard CIJ inks to ‘eco’ graphics
Good option for absorbing substrates
Hot melt
Great route to process resilience
Clever chemistry as the best of both worlds
12:00 Noon Networking Luncheon
1:00 p.m. Course Reconvenes
Application examples – Ink selection by application area
3D printing
Corrugated board & paper packaging
Electronic materials
Flexible (plastic) packaging
Production print
Wide format graphics
4:00 p.m. Course Adjournment
Inkjet Inks – Materials and Applications
Course Leader
Dr. Mark Bale, Founder & Director, DoDxAct, Somerset, UK

After working many years for a leading ink company, Dr. Mark Bale founded DoDxAct Ltd, an inkjet technology consultancy in 2017. Based in Somerset UK, DoDxAct offers bespoke training and practical assistance in support for all aspects of inkjet R&D from ink formulation and manufacture through jetting & process integration to final application optimization. Working with start-ups to large companies with global reputations, his inkjet applications experience takes in production inkjet, wide-format graphics, labels & packaging, decorative surfaces, print-to-shape, electronics manufacturing, product coding, and 3D printing.
Dr. Bale earned his undergraduate degree and PhD in Physics from the University of Birmingham UK and is a published author of academic papers, patents, and online content on topics ranging from microfabrication, OELD devices to inkjet printing.
Inkjet Innovation Academy Sponsorships
IMI is excited to announce a sponsorship opportunity for industrial industry suppliers to position themselves “front and center” before a key group of inkjet and industrial print developers working across key application areas - PLUS distributing their message to the IMI global database of over 20,000 relevant contacts.
Our goal is to develop a “community” focused on the Inkjet Innovation Academy program course and Sponsors to generate excitement about industrial print technologies and applications developments - benefiting all inkjet industry participants and end users.
For additional information on sponsorship opportunities, contact Al Keene al@imiconf.com
Complimentary Display Space
Product demonstrations and displays by Inkjet Innovation Academy attendees are encouraged. IMI will cooperate with all interested parties to provide appropriate space so products can be displayed and demonstrated during the Inkjet Innovation Academy breaks & receptions. There is no charge in addition to the course registration fee to have a display table. Interested companies should contact IMI President Al Keene al@imiconf.com to ensure that proper arrangements are made for product displays and demonstrations.
You can also reserve your display space and Suppliers’ Forum presentation slot by registering online and checking off the appropriate boxes indicating your participation.
I.T. Strategies Market Report
All participants will receive a free copy I.T. Strategies latest annual Market Report, The Numbers 2019 “Production & Industrial Print Global Statistical Summary.” Commissioned by IMI and generated from I.T. Strategies’ worldwide digital printing industry model, it provides an ongoing source of market information based on a consistent methodology and reporting structure.
About IMI
IMI sponsors conferences to assist in understanding emerging technology developments, markets and applications requirements. IMI conferences offer attendees unique opportunities for leading hardware, technology development, materials, manufacturing, software, and user companies to network and develop a more comprehensive understanding of current as well as future developments impacting successful product implementations, market entry/expansion and technology utilization. Since 1990, IMI has held over 600 programs attended by well over 25,000 technical, marketing and management personnel from companies around the world.
IMI conference programs are designed to enable attendees to obtain the latest technical, market and application information while allowing time to network with other attendees in a time and cost-efficient manner. Attendance at an IMI conference enables attendees to meet with an industry’s leading experts in a single location over a short period of time thus maximizing information transfer efficiency and minimizing travel and time expenses.
Details on all of IMI’s activities can be found on our web site www.imiconf.com or by contacting us:
1106 Valley Crossing
Carrabassett Valley, ME 04947
Phone: +1-207-235-2225
Fax: +1-207-560-9119
Email: imi@imiconf.com Web Site: www.imiconf.com
Inkjet Inks – Materials & Applications
(Inks & Materials for Digital Applications)
September 6, 2019
Embassy Suites Chicago – Lombard/Oak Brook, Illinois, USA
The reference materials for this completed course are not being sold at this time. If you would like to be contacted when another IMI conference on this topic is announced, please fill out the form below, then select the "Send to IMI…" button.