*Note:* Past conferences presentations are available for purchase for most of the completed conferences. Please email us at imi@imiconf.com for details, or use the order form at the bottom of past agenda pages.
Digital Packaging Conference 2018
February 6-7, 2018
Hilton San Diego Mission Valley, San Diego, California, USA
Packaging currently makes up ~43% of the $901B commercial print market and with nearly 50% of packaging production jobs under 10,000 run length; it is clear that the future of packaging is digital, interactive and increasingly intelligent.
Chaired and led by George Gibson, Director Technology Scouting at Xerox, IMI’s Digital Packaging Conference 2018 is designed to provide comprehensive coverage of numerous factors, technologies, enablers & barriers, challenges, and most of all – Opportunities – that are combining to create Future Packaging! George will present much of the background and status based on his successful Future of Packaging course.
Many factors are driving digitization of packaging. Beverage firm's use of limited-edition, seasonal beverages alone is projected to grow by $3B from 2015 to 2017. While the market is producing increasing variety; technology is also providing increased capabilities. Higher image quality, greater substrate range, lower costs, etc. plus incorporation of new capabilities (printed electronics, sensors, taggants and much more) are making entirely new packages possible.
Packaging is becoming so much more than just the stuff the stuff comes in. Brand owners increasingly view packaging as a way to directly engage their consumers. Great new packages serve as a bridge between the consumer and the brand owner in a way previously interrupted by the distribution chain. In some of the best recent designs the package becomes a fundamental part of the value proposition for the product itself. Packaging also takes on some of the big issues of our day: enhancing consumer safety, reducing environmental impact, reducing food/materials waste, providing personalized beneficial data and much more!
The IMI Digital Packaging Conference 2018 addresses the challenges, options, and opportunities associated with future packaging requirements, technology choices, drivers & barriers, and other issues required to effectively implement packaging innovations. This strategic conference for the packaging industry provides high value information for senior executives, commercial managers, development teams and end users covering the most recent innovations, trends, and issues critical to continued growth and expansion of digital packaging applications and markets.

The IMI Digital Packaging Conference 2018 gives you the opportunity to meet senior executives from within the security printing industry as well as from companies supplying security materials, using the technology or developing it for new applications. With a networking reception, a lunch and additional refreshment breaks, there is ample opportunity to meet with key people.
Over 200 registered attendees from the following companies attended one or more of IMI's Digital Print Week 2018 programs February 6-7, 2018: Inkjet Academy, Digital Packaging Conference 2018, Security Printing Conference 2018, & Understanding Inkjet Ink Conference 2018 and February 7-9, 2018: Inkjet Printing Conference 2018: Abo Akademi University, Alchemie Technology, Angstrom Technologies, Appvion, ATI Industries, Avery Dennison, Avery Dennison Digital Ink Solutions, BASF Corporation, BDT Print Media Group, Brady Corporation, Buena Vista Resources, Buhler, BYK USA, Cabot Corporation, Canon Inc, Canon Solutions America, Circle Graphics, Clariant Plastics & Coatings, CN Clark Company, Colordyne, Consultant Thomas Poe, Corning Inc., Crawford Technologies, Domtar, DuPont, Eastman Chemical, EFI, Emerson Automation Solutions, Esprix Technologies, Essilor of America, Felix Schoeller, Fujifilm Dimatix, Gem Gravure, Georgia-Pacific, Global Inkjet Systems, Global Graphic Services, Graphics Systems Services, Heidelberg, Hewlett Packard, Holoptica, Hunter Douglas Lamtec Group, ImageXpert, IIMAK, IMI, inc.jet, Integrity Industrial Ink Jet Integration, IT Strategies, Kao Collins, Korea Institute of Machinery & Materials, Landa Digital Printing, LG Electronics, Luminescence, Mack Brooks Exhibitions-InPrint USA, Mankiewicz, Mark Andy, Memjet, Michelman, NanoMatriX International, Nextflex, Nilpeter USA, OpSec Security, Pagemark Technology, Pall Microelectronics, Pivotal Resources, PPG Industries, Polestar, Printform, Procter & Gamble, Quality Engineering Associates, RadTech, Ricoh Printing Systems America, Roki S&S America, Seiko Instruments USA, SI2 Technologies, Sensient Colors, Sensor Films, SICPA, Solimar Systems, Stora Enso, Sun Chemical, Sun Chemical SA, SunJet, Technische Universität Chemnitz, Temptime Corporation, Texas Research Institute Austin, TIAX LLC, Tiger Drylac USA, Total Printing Systems, Trendvision Technology (Zhuhai), Troy Group, Univ of Northern Iowa, US Dept of State, Veritrace, VF Corporation, Work Associates, Xaar, XACTIV, Xerox, and Xpress Data.
Displays & Suppliers Forum
Digital packaging related technologies and services will be on display in the break/reception area and the Suppliers Forum enables you to hear short presentations on participating companies and their latest news.
IT Strategies Market Report
All delegates will receive a free copy of the latest "The Numbers" Market Report by IT Strategies. Generated from their worldwide digital printing industry model, it provides an ongoing source of market information based on primary research.
The Strategic Advisory Board of industry luminaries, whose expertise covers a wide range of technology and applications in packaging and digital printing, will determine the conference program of topics and presentations. The Strategic Advisory Board members are:
George Gibson, Director Technology Scouting, Xerox
Alrick V. Warner, The Procter & Gamble Company

Conference Chairman
George Gibson, Xerox
Conference Speakers
Mark Abramson, Printform
Marco Boer, IT Strategies
Dr Alan Hudd, Alchemie Technology
Gianluigi Rankin, Memjet
February 6-7, 2018
Hilton San Diego Mission Valley, San Diego, California, USA
Topic Coverage and Schedule
Tuesday, February 6, 2018
8:00 a.m. Conference Registration
8:30 a.m. Opening Session

Welcome & Introductions
Alvin Keene, President, IMI, Carrabassett Valley, Maine
Conference Chair; George Gibson, Director Technology Scouting, Xerox Corporation, Webster, New York

Digital is the future of packaging
George Gibson, Director Technology Scouting, Webster, New York
- Packaging joins the expanding digital age that surrounds us!
> Communication
> Entertainment
> IoT
> Financial
- Digital packaging markets
> Domains & definitions
> Current market structure & size
> Growth projections
> Market trends
- The digital packaging proposition
> What digital adds to the value proposition
> Design, printing & other infrastructure requirements
> Drivers, enablers & barriers to digital adoption
12:00 p.m. Networking Luncheon
1:30 p.m. Session 2

Meeting the needs of packaging market segments with a modular inkjet platform
Gianluigi Rankin, Director Product Marketing, Memjet, San Diego, California
- Requirements & challenges for inkjet in packaging segments
> Labels
> Corrugated
> Folding carton
> Flexible packaging
- How the new Memjet modular DuraLink platform can help meet segment requirements
- New printhead & pigment ink are the key new technologies
- Integrated systems approach with all components for
> High productivity
> High quality inkjet system
- Benefits to OEMs
> Fast integration
> Reduced effort

Mark Abramson, Founder & CEO, Printform Corporation, Sausalito, California
- How do you turn faster print speeds into breakthrough profitability?
- Shop floor experiences: more units per shift with fewer employees by embracing
> Completely automated workflows
> Advanced image processing
> Leveraging what manufacturers know & own
- Actionable lessons & key takeaways
- Avoiding the pitfalls
- Successfully automating highest value processes while eliminating production bottlenecks
& inefficiencies
- Packaging case study

Smart packaging status & role in future packaging
George Gibson, Director Technology Scouting, Webster, New York
- The smart packaging proposition
> What smart packaging adds to the value proposition
> Drivers, enablers & barriers to adoption
- Smart/Intelligent Packaging Markets
- Smart Packaging Technologies & Products
> Visual Passive Sensors
> Electronic Passive Sensors
> Active Sensors
> Sensor Meshes
> The Package’s Role in Big Data and Analytics
- Importance & Role of Sensor Development & Proliferation
- Commonly Referenced Smart Packaging Categories
- Status, Trends & Opportunities in Smart Packaging
- Role of Printed Electronics
Suppliers Forum: 5-Minute presentations related to technology, capabilities, services, new product introductions, etc. The Suppliers Forum is open to all conference registrants. For additional information or to sign up, contact Al Keene al@imiconf.com or check off box on registration form.
6:00 p.m. Networking reception in display area
Wednesday, February 7, 2018
8:30 a.m. Session 3

Digital packaging status, current technologies, trends, & opportunities
George Gibson, Director Technology Scouting, Webster, New York
- Case coding
- Labels
- Folding cartons
- Corrugated
- Flexible packaging
- Direct product decoration
- Unique requirements/opportunities: Pharma, food, security, etc.
- Developing your “future packaging strategy”

Digital technologies for the application of material science: braille printing
Dr. Alan L. Hudd, Chairman & Founder, Alchemie Technology, Cambridge, UK
- Braille printing – the problem
- European Union consortium Horizon 2020 – digital desktop braille printer
- Limitations of inkjet
- Suite of digital powder dispensing technologies
- Combining braille printing, labeling, embossing & decoration
- Looking to the future: digital deposition of liquids & powders

Digital packaging printer development: is the industry approach backwards?industry
Marco Boer, Vice President, IT Strategies, Hanover, Massachusetts
- Product development approach
- Market eligibility approach
- Technology challenges
- Market entry options
- Application volume & momentum
> Labels
> Folding cartons
> Corrugated
> Flexible film
- Packaging: one of few markets guaranteed to grow
12:00 Noon Adjournment
IMI is excited to announce a sponsorship opportunity to enable inkjet industry participants to position themselves “front and center” before a key group of inkjet printing business leaders including executives, product developers, technologists, major users, etc. PLUS distributing their message to IMI’s global database of over 20,000 relevant contacts.
Our goal is to develop a “community” focused on the conference program and the Sponsors to generate excitement about inkjet technology, market, and application developments - benefiting all industry participants and end users.
For additional information on this sponsorship opportunity contact Al Keene al@imiconf.com or go to the Sponsorship page
If you have a potential topic for presentation at this or another IMI conference, please submit your proposed presentation topic and a brief outline to Al Keene at IMI (Email al@imiconf.com).
IMI is always looking for potential speakers for upcoming conference programs and will be pleased to discuss your ideas for potential presentation topics.
Printer and other product demonstrations/displays by both conference speakers and registrants are encouraged. IMI will cooperate with all interested parties to provide appropriate space so products can be displayed and demonstrated during the conference breaks & receptions. There is no charge in addition to the conference registration fee to have a display table and/or give a 5-minute Suppliers Forum presentation. Interested companies should contact IMI President Al Keene al@imiconf.com to ensure that proper arrangements are made for product displays and demonstrations.
You can also reserve your display space and Suppliers’ Forum presentation slot by registering online and checking off the appropriate boxes indicating your participation.
All delegates will receive a free copy of the latest "The Numbers" Market Report by IT Strategies. Generated from their worldwide digital printing industry model, it provides an ongoing source of market information based on a consistent methodology and reporting structure.
IMI sponsors conferences and courses world-wide to assist in understanding technology developments, markets and applications requirements. IMI conferences and courses offer unique opportunities for leading hardware, technology development, consumables, software and user companies to learn, network, and develop a comprehensive understanding of current as well as future developments impacting successful product implementations, market entry/expansion, and technology utilization.
Since 1990, IMI has held over 600 programs attended by well over 25,000 technical, marketing and management personnel from companies around the world.
IMI programs are designed to enable attendees to obtain the latest technical, market and application information while allowing time to network with other attendees in a time and cost efficient manner. Attendance at an IMI program enables attendees to meet with an industry’s leading experts in a single location over a short period of time thus maximizing information transfer efficiency and minimizing travel and time expenses.
Details on all of IMI’s activities can be found on our web site www.imiconf.com or by contacting us:
1106 Valley Crossing
Carrabassett Valley, ME 04947
Phone: +1-207-235-2225
Fax: +1-207-235-2226
Email: imi@imiconf.com Web Site: www.imiconf.com