Applying “Real Life” Industrial Print Lessons Course
Embassy Suites Chicago – Lombard/Oak Brook
Lombard (Chicago Area), Illinois
June 21, 2018
Media Partners
Course Focus
There is no better way to learn than from “real life” lessons! Led by Mark Abramson, Founder & CEO of Printform Corporation, this course will provide critical insights which you can apply to your own products, workflows, and industrial print applications. Based on detailed analysis of 30 different digital industrial print applications; the challenges, solutions, economics, and the ultimate success or failure of each scenario will result in practical and implementable lessons to be used in your industrial print applications. As an expert in industrial print software and workflow, Mark will provide a barn-burning set of insights into bottlenecks and how to break through them, as well as methods to determine if your own application is or can be a success (as determined by you). You can expect a rapid-fire set of current industrial-scale print environment analyses across a range of different markets from packaging to consumer goods to textiles & more - structured to focus on lessons learned and to provide key insights you can use to critically evaluate your own digital print operations. The comprehensive analysis methodology provides great content and insights for production management, commercial printers, manufacturing engineers, business owners, entrepreneurs, printer operators, vendor representatives, and other industrial print participants.
Applying “Real Life” Industrial Print Lessons Course Outline
Thursday, June 21, 2018
8:00 a.m. Registration
8:30 a.m. Course Session Begins
Course Approach: Analysis of 30 diverse industrial print environments/scenarios (successful & unsuccessful) with takeaways designed to illustrate and demonstrate the overall industrial print process which will enable you to define and refine your business/application scenario to optimize operations and maximize your potential for success!
The target: master the basics
- Order, design capture, & image prep
- Workable production management
- Print, finish, & ship successfully
- No or minimal errors
- Web-to-print & basic automation software
The devil is in the details: examples of key essential elements
- Work holding & positioning
> Vacuum systems
> Jigs
> Fixtures
> “Virtual” jigs using images on paper + flexible pin-based jigs
- Make ready: loading & unloading materials
- Working with your RIP
- Imposition
- & others
Developing next generation platform
Your engine for success
- Flexible platform & workflow foundation
- Software – but also people & machines
- “Plays well with others”
- Improve over time
- Compete with your best ideas
12:00 Noon Networking luncheon
1:00 pm Course reconvenes
But how? – Managing costs to increase profits
- JTBD: Jobs to be done
- Workflow analysis
- Automate everything – within reason
- Lay the foundation
- Reduce staffing needs
Expanding opportunities
- New marketplaces
- New distribution channels
- New partners
- New business models
Lessons learned – often the hard way!
- Prove business case before spending money
- Understand & invest in your workflow – it pays!
- Never stop looking for bottlenecks
- Know what & where every item is
- Compatibility with all manufacturing functions/processes
- Don’t make it until you sell it – don’t even think of inventory
- Waste is expensive & sad
- Marketing, sales, & channels are important
- The team is everything
- & more!
5:00 p.m. Course Adjournment
5:00 p.m. Networking Reception
Applying “Real Life” Industrial Print Lessons Course Leader
Mark Abramson, Founder/CEO, Printform Corporation, Sausalito, California

Mark Abramson is Founder & CEO of Printform Corporation. He has particular technical expertise in software for digital workflow, industrial printing and complex global supply chains for high-growth companies. He's also a dad, races bicycles and collects antique woodworking machines.
Mark will describe 30 different digital industrial print applications in the field with critical insights you can apply to your own products and workflows. For each scenario, he will detail the challenges, successes and profitability -- and if the venture ultimately failed.
You can expect a rapid-fire set of current industrial-scale print environments across a range of different markets from packaging to consumer goods to textiles. As an expert in industrial print software and workflow, he will provide a barn-burning set of insights into bottlenecks and how to break through them, as well as methods to determine if your own application is a success (as determined by you). Despite the furious pace of the presentation, it will be structured to focus on lessons learned and key insights you can use to scale your own digital print operations. Fortunately, the immediately-following networking reception will offer a chance to unwind and discuss with your industry peers.
Complimentary Display Space
Product demonstrations/displays by Industrial Print Academy attendees are encouraged. IMI will cooperate with all interested parties to provide appropriate space so products can be displayed and demonstrated during the Industrial Print Academy breaks & receptions. There is no charge in addition to the course registration fee to have a display table. Interested companies should contact IMI President Al Keene al@imiconf.com to ensure that proper arrangements are made for product displays and demonstrations.
You can also reserve your display space by registering online and checking off the appropriate box indicating your participation.
IT Strategies Market Report
All participants will receive a free copy of the latest "The Numbers" Market Report by IT Strategies. Generated from their worldwide digital printing industry model, it provides an ongoing source of market information based on a consistent methodology and reporting structure.
IMI sponsors conferences and courses world-wide to assist in understanding technology developments, markets and applications requirements. IMI conferences and courses offer unique opportunities for leading hardware, technology development, consumables, software and user companies to learn, network, and develop a comprehensive understanding of current as well as future developments impacting successful product implementations, market entry/expansion, and technology utilization.
Since 1990, IMI has held over 600 programs attended by well over 25,000 technical, marketing and management personnel from companies around the world.
IMI programs are designed to enable attendees to obtain the latest technical, market and application information while allowing time to network with other attendees in a time and cost efficient manner. Attendance at an IMI program enables attendees to meet with an industry’s leading experts in a single location over a short period of time thus maximizing information transfer efficiency and minimizing travel and time expenses.
Details on all of IMI’s activities can be found on our web site www.imiconf.com or by contacting us:
1106 Valley Crossing
Carrabassett Valley, ME 04947
Phone: +1-207-235-2225
Fax: +1-207-235-2226
Email: imi@imiconf.com Web Site: www.imiconf.com
IMI Applying “Real Life” Industrial Print Lessons Course
June 21, 2018
Embassy Suites Chicago – Lombard/Oak Brook
Lombard (Chicago Area), Illinois USA
The reference materials for this completed course are not being sold at this time. If you would like to be contacted when another IMI conference on this topic is announced, please fill out the form below, then select the "Send to IMI…" button.